Sunday 10 February 2013

Lady Pamela Hicks - Daughter of Empire.

I was very much looking forward to reading this book as the Mountbatten's have been so closely associated with the British Royal Family and Lady Pamela especially so. Lady Pamela's story is entwined with the history of the 20th century. From her birth in Spain in 1929, being at the centre of events in India, being a bridesmaid at her cousin Philips wedding and escorting both on the World tour The Queen undertook with the Duke of Edinburgh after the Coronation.

This book is superb as it gives you the insiders view of the above events. Lady Pamela is frank about her mothers need for male company and also her reaction her father needed extra female company. Also her mothers travels that never seemed to end and usually in the company of Bunny Phillips. For the time, Lady Edwina travelled to some of the far flung places, which must have been wonderful at that time. So It was a fairly lonely childhood, with her father also concentrating on his naval career, but Lady Pamela had animals for company and also the staff that looked after her. That aside, she was born into amazing wealth and both she and her older sister, Patricia (now The Countess Mountbatten of Burma) were deeply loved by their parents.

Lady Pamela's was a whirl, be it in some remote part of the World whilst on the Coronation tour, or in Malta with her parents, or India where she lived for a while or simply at Broadlands in Hampshire where the family lived. This book is an amazing read, I found it hard to put it down as I wanted to know what Lady Pamela got up to next. I am fortunate to have a signed copy of her book and it will go along signed copy of a book signed by her father.

To order this superb book, go to Hatchard's website by clicking here Welcome to Hatchards Bookshop


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