Monday 18 February 2013

Dear World by Jerry Herman

I was in for a treat over the weekend, I saw a musical that has not played to an audience since its first opening on Broadway in 1969. The show was Dear World by Jerry Herman and this London premier starredBroadway legend Betty Buckley. Miss Buckley gave a superb performance as Countess Aurelia and every time she was on stage, you were transfixed.

This show is only on until the end of March and is at the Charing Cross Theatre and this venue is superb for this wonderful show, intimate and you feel as if you are part of everything that is going on. The show takes a while to get into in, but the songs are wonderful and it was great to see them in context after listening to the album for many years.

One of the highlights for me during the show was the Tea Party sequence, where Countess Aurelia and her friends Constance and Gabrielle discuss what they are going to do about the impending situation with the Presidents. It really is a masterpiece and I was totally engrossed.

If you get chance to see this gem of a show, get tickets now, the venue is great, unusual and quirky and perfect for this show. You won't be disappointed and you may never get the chance to see this show again.


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