Thursday 21 February 2013

HRH Princess Mary Adelaide of Cambridge

Many think that Queen Mary was German, but nothing could be further from the truth. Admittedly her father was German, having been born as HSH Prince Francis of Teck, but her mother was HRH Princess Mary Adelaide of Cambridge as as such, she was first cousin to Queen Victoria. The Princess was a very colourful character and at times was far more popular that the Queen herself.

The Princess had a relaxed approach with her children, three sons and one daughter. Se was the dominant force in her marriage, her husband being very bothered by his status, an HSH being ranked much lower than HRH. The Princess was something of a spendthrift and so the family ended up spending time abroad to escape from their creditors. The Princess's mother, The Dowager Duchess of Cambridge would normally bal out the family, so they could return. This never stopped the Princess from slipping back into her old ways though.

With her ample figure, the Princess always looked impressive in wonderful gowns and jewels, however being the poor relations, in royal terms, the children felt insecure. It was the Princess's wish was for spectacular marriages for her children. Her eldest son married the daughter of the first Duke of Westminster, her second son married HRH Princess Alice of Albany, a cousin, her third son died unmarried.

It was the Princess's daughter that made the most spectacular marriage of all, in 1893, Princess Victoria Mary became HRH The Duchess of York, the fourth lady in the land. Princess Mary Adelaide was beside herself with pride and it was also a good excuse to run up further bills!

The Princess lived long enough to see her daughters children born, Prince Edward and Prince Albert, both destined to become Kings.


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