Saturday 24 January 2015

Spain, the journey continues....

So our friends house purchase was finally completed and they came down to see us for lunch one day. I asked what had brought them down to us and one of them said they had come to say good bye to his sister. I asked where she was going, I thought perhaps a holiday and he had wanted to wis her Bon voyage.

The reality of their move to Spain then became obvious as it was they who were doing the goodbyes because they were leaving for Spain the following weekend! We were amazed, we knew it was going to happened. But we hadn't realised it was now!

We had always said that we were here for them and they would always be welcome to stay here when they came back if they wanted to etc.

Over a smoked salmon and cream cheese bagel for lunch, we were shown the house they had purchased and were given the price they paid. It blow us away! One hectare and the most gorgeous house with the most spectacular views of the sea and the coastline. We continued discussing Spain over lunch and then before we knew it, we had to say goodbye.

After our friends had gone, we started to think, what could be afford in Spain? That was the first of many questions that we asked ourselves and each other. With the magic of the Internet, we were able to answer that question fairly quickly. We could afford a similar amount of land with a very large property.

Needless to say, we talked of nothing else for the rest of that weekend, our minds were continually thinking about the possibility of moving to Spain, something we hadn't dreamt of doing until our friends came to say goodbye.

This was going to be life changing if we did it.

Monday 19 January 2015

Spain and our journey to a new home!

Two of our oldest friends have been going to stay with friends of theirs in Spain for the last ten years or so. Usually spending a couple of weeks at a time in a non touristy area of the Costa Duarada. Then in 2013, they said that they were going to sell their house and move to Spain.

We thought they were crazy to be honest. They had a wonderful home here in the UK, beautifully furnished, new cars in the drive, good jobs and the security that comes with all this. The home had been built up over many years and was just the way they wanted it.

However, the strain for one of them doing the job they did was proving to be very stressful and the move to Spain would give him back his sanity. So I could understand why the move was so important.

The house was sold very quickly, no surprise there as it was immaculate and by December 2013, our friends moved out of their home of twenty years. Their whole life was now in storage until such time as they made the move to Spain.

How does this involve us? That will all become evident as I continue this blog.