Monday 23 September 2013

Basildon Park, a NT house.

A few Sundays ago, I decided to visit one of the National Trust property's that is fairly local to where I live but have never managed to get there. Basildon Park is a beautiful house and it has an amazing past, most of which I'd fairly recent.

During the war, the building was used by the armed forces. It was left in a very bad state of repair when hostilities ceased and the house was put up for sale. The house and estate was purchased by Lord and Lady Iliffe and they both set out to restore the house back to its former glory. Lord and Lady Iliffe owned national newspapers and so had the funds to refurbish the house.

With the refurbishment, the house took on a homely feel as that is exactly what it became, a home. Lord and Lady Iliffe lived here and enjoyed the house to its fullest. As can be seen from the kitchen images, it was very much home and the owners liked to entertain.

The kitchen is fitted very much to the era when it was installed, during the 1950's. Many of the items in the kitchen will be recognised by many people.

This is a great place to visit and the house was lived in by Lady Iliffe until her death in 2007. Once the house had been fully refurbished, Lord and Lady Iliffe handed over the house and grounds to the National Trust with a large endowment in 1978, although both continued to live there until their respective deaths.


Sunday 1 September 2013

Cunard's Queen Elizabeth

A wonderful day yesterday at the Eastern Docks in Southampton. A tour and lunch on board this amazing ship with great friends and it was so good to be able to see areas of the ship that would normally be off limits, such as the Queen Staterooms, off limits simply because they would be occupied during a cruise, and not by me!

We were shown every part of the ship and it really is amazing when you see a full size theatre with boxes on board a ship! Not only that, there was a ballroom, many restaurants, bars, lounges, all for the comfort of the passengers. I know from being on a transatlantic crossing last year on the Queen Mary 2, a cruise is very relaxing.

The inside of the ship is as you would expect, wonderfully over the top and everything there for the comfort of the passengers. The staterooms are wonderfully appointed from the inside ones to the larger ones with everything and more.

This is the Royal Court Theatre and below, the lounge area of a Queen Stateroom.

Below is a balcony stateroom.

Being on board certainly whetted my appetite to book a cruise and I am sure one will be booked soon!


Views of Old Windsor

Windsor has two parts, Old Windsor and New Windsor, although New Windsor is usually known simply as Windsor. Windsor has the Castle and is known for its association with the Royal Family. Old Windsor was actually in place before New Windsor as a Saxon settlement and was the home of Saxon Kings. I am not sure if there are any remains of the Saxon settlements but items would have been found that confirm the existence of these settlements.

There are a few islands in the river along this part of Old Windsor and these would have been easier to defend during this period. Now Old Windsor consists of residential homes and is a place that most people drive through. However, it is a great place to live and being so close to the river Thames, the is always something happening.


Frogmore House and Gardens

I am lucky to live in a small town in Berkshire that has many attractions, not least the favourite home of Her Majesty The Queen. Some of the attractions though are not as well known as the Castle and Frogmore House is one of those gems. It is only open for two weekends a year, the reason for this? It is the private garden used by the Royal Family when they are in residence at the Castle. It is also the final resting place of many members of the Royal Family.

The house was renovated many years ago and the inside is the same as if Queen Victoria's mother, The Duchess of Kent, had gone out for a drive in a carriage. It really is beautiful inside and well worth visiting.

Queen Victoria and Prince Albert have their final resting place in the gardens in the Royal Mausoleum and for many years you were able to go in and pay your respects to the longest reigning British monarch and her husband. However for the past few years, the mausoleum has been closed as part of the roof has started to fall into the main part of the building.

Many recent members of the Royal Family are buried in the Royal Burial Ground, including the Duke and Duchess of Kent, their son in law, Sir Angus Ogilvy. Also the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester and their son, Prince William of Gloucester. Also present are the remains of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.

Las Vegas

I went to Las Vegas for the first time this month. I was there for four days and wasn't sure what to expect, although many friends have been and said it really is a great place to be. My first impressions were not good, the city seemed to be dirty and there were numerous hen and stag parties, drinking at 4pm etc.

However as time went on, the place started to grow on me and once the lights came on each evening, the city took on a magical feel. Everything glistened as every surface was covered in lights and the place seemed to buzz.

Streetlights seemed irrelevant as night turned into day once dusk arrived. The glamour that Las Vegas was and is famous for then could be seen, ladies in their finery, great restaurants, high end shops, all the names being in the city. I have never been anywhere where there is a Louis Vuitton on literally every corner!

The main attraction in the city is the hotels, they are masterpieces in a Disneyesque kind of way. But it works there, Caesars Palace was superb, the interior was amazing and just when you think it can't get any better, it does. The Wynn and the Bellagio were sumptuous, nothing has been spared to give both hotels the most luxurious feel, although to stay there you would simply be a number.


So love it or hate it, everyone has to go to Las Vegas and experience it for themselves. Would I go back? The answer is yes!