Tuesday 30 October 2012

The Fishing Fleet by Anne de Courcy

I have been reading this book by Anne de Courcy and it gives a great insight into an era that is long forgotten. Today it would be unthinkable that women would travel half way around the World to look for a husband but that is exactly what these courageous women did. Their stories are brought vividly to life by the author and you are totally absorbed into their lives.

Everything in these ladies lives was dictated by very strict social guidelines, far stricter than those in the UK at the same time. One interesting fact was that men in the ICS (Indian Civil Service) could not marry before they were thirty! So the ladies travelling out there were very popular and usually married men much ledger than they were.

As with all Anne de Courcy books, this is well written, well researched and a fascinating read.


Saturday 27 October 2012

Snow in Windsor

Wowww, Winter arrived early in Windsor this morning. I left home at 7.15am to be faced with a min snow storm in full swing. You could see the tyre tracks in the road and still it came down. By the time I had travelled two miles, it had disappeared.

Hopefully this was just a warning for us, simply to remind us all that Winter is just around the corner and to ensure we have supplies of salt and a good sturdy snow shovel.

Thursday 25 October 2012

Kiehl's Coriander Liquid Hand Soap

I only use liquid hand soap in my bathroom and have recently switched from Molton Brown to Kiehl's. I have used Kiehl's products for many years but have only recently started to use their hand soaps.

Out of the two available in the UK, I prefer the coriander liquid hand soap. The other is grapefruit and this is quite citrusy, although very nice too.

Kiehl's products are fantastic and there is a terrific range of products and this liquid hand soap fits in very well.

Garter Day at Windsor Castle

Garter Day is held each year on the Monday of Ascot Week. The Garter is in the personal gift of HM The Queen and new knights are announced on St George's Day each year.

I took the above photograph of HM The Queen during the Nineties and the one below of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh.

HM The Queen and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh still walk to St George's Chapel in the grounds of Windsor Castle, even though they are in their 80's and 90's.

Palace to Palace Cycle Ride

For someone so unfit, I wouldn't have dreamt of cycling 45 miles from Buckingham Palace to Windsor Castle, but I was talked into it and once I have paid the entry fee, I had no choice!

So on a sunny crisp Sunday morning, I started the ride with the other members of the team in the Mall and by the time we arrived at the first Royal Park, I was on my own!